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发表于 2007-8-23 10:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 10:35:55 | 显示全部楼层


来源:中国经营报 作者:陈伟 2007-8-20 21:34:05  


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-23 10:37:02 | 显示全部楼层

贝尔斯登危急 中信择机出手?

8月1日早晨,贝尔斯登公司董事长兼首席执行长詹姆斯·凯恩(James  Cayne)坐在下曼哈顿贝尔斯登大厦的办公室里吸着他的顶级雪茄。这位领导公司14年的老CEO正在承受着华尔街的冲击:旗下两只总共价值15亿美元的对冲基金已经化为乌有,导致公司股价下跌超过1/3。
  在贝尔斯登公司(Bear Stearns Cos. NYSE:BSC)的各种介绍中,总是宣称“本公司及其附属机构承诺秉承最高标准的商业道德”。但是,这两只内部对冲基金倒闭,原因却是其购买的以住房次级抵押贷款为标的的金融产品,都是在“严重降低商业道德水准”的条件下发放的——两只基金管理资产15亿美元,现今价值几乎为零。这家有着84年历史的华尔街老牌券商,正面临着严重的信用危机。
  凯恩先生在烟雾中思索并找到了自己的出路:公司总裁兼联席首席营运长沃伦·斯佩克特(Warren J. Spector)先生,后者管理着该公司最强势的资产管理业务,同时兼管公司的风险控制。“我认为,为了公司的最高利益,您最好辞职。”他告诉斯佩克特。一位接近二人此次谈话的人士说,大吃一惊的斯佩克特随后表示,为了解决公司面临的困难,他已经付出了艰苦的努力,但是他愿意承担相关的责任。
  表面上看来,凯恩的举措立竿见影。随着斯佩克特(此前一直被认为是凯恩的唯一继任者)的辞职,以及57岁的艾伦·施瓦茨(Alan  Schwartz)继任公司总裁,贝尔斯登面临的危机似乎找到了一个支撑点:在8月6日创出52周以来的最低点99.17美元/股之后,其股价已经有所回升——虽然目前121.12美元/股的水平,仍然远远低于今年初的172.61美元/股以及6月初的150美元/股。
  “他们(指贝尔斯登董事会)之前预感到了风暴即将来临,但是他们挖了一个巨大的坑,并注入了大量炸药。当流动性遇到问题时,人们通常选择在下降趋势中出售相关资产,但他们并没有这么做。”长期专注于纽约金融股跟踪与分析的瑞银集团(UBS)分析师Glenn Schorr先生表示。
  在笔者问及贝尔斯登的问题是否就到此为止时,该公司发言人卢塞尔·谢尔曼(Russell  Sherman)表示,公司目前的财务状况良好。但是否还会发生更大的损失,市场人士目前仍然普遍持观望态度。

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-25 14:54:22 | 显示全部楼层

美国次贷危机向信用卡蔓延 经济面临更严峻挑战


  根据这份分析报告,17家信用卡公司10月份共录得拖欠还款30天的账户金额173亿美元,同比增长26%。信用卡公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示,它们10月份共注销信用卡呆账金额9.61亿美元,同比增长18%。中长期信用卡欠款情况尤其严重。几家最大的信用卡公司,包括Advan-ta、GE money bank和汇丰银行在内,拖欠还款90天以上的信用卡账户金额比一年前增长了50%。(新华社)

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发表于 2007-12-25 15:06:24 | 显示全部楼层
It's Not 1929, but It's the Biggest Mess Since
By Steven Pearlstein
Wednesday, December 5, 2007; Page D01
It was Charles Mackay, the 19th-century Scottish journalist, who observed that men go mad in herds but only come to their senses one by one.
We are only at the beginning of the financial world coming to its senses after the bursting of the biggest credit bubble the world has seen. Everyone seems to acknowledge now that there will be lots of mortgage foreclosures and that house prices will fall nationally for the first time since the Great Depression. Some lenders and hedge funds have failed, while some banks have taken painful write-offs and fired executives. There's even a growing recognition that a recession is over the horizon.
But let me assure you, you ain't seen nothing, yet.
What's important to understand is that, contrary to what you heard from President Bush yesterday, this isn't just a mortgage or housing crisis. The financial giants that originated, packaged, rated and insured all those subprime mortgages were the same ones, run by the same executives, with the same fee incentives, using the same financial technologies and risk-management systems, who originated, packaged, rated and insured home-equity loans, commercial real estate loans, credit card loans and loans to finance corporate buyouts.
It is highly unlikely that these organizations did a significantly better job with those other lines of business than they did with mortgages. But the extent of those misjudgments will be revealed only once the economy has slowed, as it surely will.
At the center of this still-unfolding disaster is the Collateralized Debt Obligation, or CDO. CDOs are not new -- they were at the center of a boom and bust in manufacturing housing loans in the early 2000s. But in the past several years, the CDO market has exploded, fueling not only a mortgage boom but expansion of all manner of credit. By one estimate, the face value of outstanding CDOs is nearly $2 trillion.
But let's begin with the mortgage-backed CDO.
By now, almost everyone knows that most mortgages are no longer held by banks until they are paid off: They are packaged with other mortgages and sold to investors much like a bond.
In the simple version, each investor owned a small percentage of the entire package and got the same yield as all the other investors. Then someone figured out that you could do a bigger business by selling them off in tranches corresponding to different levels of credit risk. Under this arrangement, if any of the mortgages in the pool defaulted, the riskiest tranche would absorb all the losses until its entire investment was wiped out, followed by the next riskiest and the next.
With these tranches, mortgage debt could be divided among classes of investors. The riskiest tranches -- those with the lowest credit ratings -- were sold to hedge funds and junk bond funds whose investors wanted the higher yields that went with the higher risk. The safest ones, offering lower yields and Treasury-like AAA ratings, were snapped up by risk-averse pension funds and money market funds. The least sought-after tranches were those in the middle, the "mezzanine" tranches, which offered middling yields for supposedly moderate risks.
Stick with me now, because this is where it gets interesting. For it is at this point that the banks got the bright idea of buying up a bunch of mezzanine tranches from various pools. Then, using fancy computer models, they convinced themselves and the rating agencies that by repeating the same "tranching" process, they could use these mezzanine-rated assets to create a new set of securities -- some of them junk, some mezzanine, but the bulk of them with the AAA ratings more investors desired.
It was a marvelous piece of financial alchemy, one that made Wall Street banks and the ratings agencies billions of dollars in fees. And because so much borrowed money was used -- in buying the original mortgages, buying the tranches for the CDOs and then in buying the tranches of the CDOs -- the whole thing was so highly leveraged that the returns, at least on paper, were very attractive. No wonder they were snatched up by British hedge funds, German savings banks, oil-rich Norwegian villages and Florida pension funds.
What we know now, of course, is that the investment banks and ratings agencies underestimated the risk that mortgage defaults would rise so dramatically that even AAA investments could lose their value.
One analysis, by Eidesis Capital, a fund specializing in CDOs, estimates that, of the CDOs issued during the peak years of 2006 and 2007, investors in all but the AAA tranches will lose all their money, and even those will suffer losses of 6 to 31 percent.
And looking across the sector, J.P. Morgan's CDO analysts estimate that there will be at least $300 billion in eventual credit losses, the bulk of which is still hidden from public view. That includes at least $30 billion in additional write-downs at major banks and investment houses, and much more at hedge funds that, for the most part, remain in a state of denial.
As part of the unwinding process, the rating agencies are in the midst of a massive and embarrassing downgrading process that will force many banks, pension funds and money market funds to sell their CDO holdings into a market so bereft of buyers that, in one recent transaction, a desperate E-Trade was able to get only 27 cents on the dollar for its highly rated portfolio.
Meanwhile, banks that are forced to hold on to their CDO assets will be required to set aside much more of their own capital as a financial cushion. That will sharply reduce the money they have available for making new loans.
And it doesn't stop there. CDO losses now threaten the AAA ratings of a number of insurance companies that bought CDO paper or insured against CDO losses. And because some of those insurers also have provided insurance to investors in tax-exempt bonds, states and municipalities have decided to pull back on new bond offerings because investors have become skittish.
If all this sounds like a financial house of cards, that's because it is. And it is about to come crashing down, with serious consequences not only for banks and investors but for the economy as a whole.
That's not just my opinion. It's why banks are husbanding their cash and why the outstanding stock of bank loans and commercial paper is shrinking dramatically.
It is why Treasury officials are working overtime on schemes to stem the tide of mortgage foreclosures and provide a new vehicle to buy up CDO assets.
It's why state and federal budget officials are anticipating sharp decreases in tax revenue next year.
And it is why the Federal Reserve is now willing to toss aside concerns about inflation, the dollar and bailing out Wall Street, and move aggressively to cut interest rates and pump additional funds directly into the banking system.
This may not be 1929. But it's a good bet that it's way more serious than the junk bond crisis of 1987, the S&L crisis of 1990 or the bursting of the tech bubble in 2001.

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